Monday, September 30, 2019

Noreaster Maximizing Revenue

According the Kettle and Keller (201 2), this analysis will help to identify areas that affect a company's ability to earn profits. BOA is the leading financial service provider in twenty-three major cities. They are also the number one in online & mobile banking and mortgage services. They strengths lies within building a strong brand, multiple financial service offerings, engaging customers, and customer service. However, their weakness became prevalent when the decision was to made to only offer mobile banking to customers who already had an online banking account.This left an untapped market exposed to competition and BOA risked losing customers and reducing their market share. BOA also ignored a large mobile market of non smart phone users who would use the SMS-technology for mobile banking. This left 85% of potential mobile phone customers available to be snatched by competition, such as Comparing Chase ; who decided to roll- out their mobile banking with mobile messaging. Iden tifying the external opportunities and threats are also important for a company to remain competitive.Kettle and Keller (2012) define marketing opportunity as an area of buyer need an interest that a company determines to be profitable. BOA decision to enter into the mobile banking industry was critical to their long-term success. In the case study, several forecasts were reported to show the future projections of mobile phone users and mobile banking transactions to grow 600% by 2014. Additional opportunities to service their mobile banking customers is available as customer needs and technology changes. The main threat that BOA faces is their competition.There are ten banks that support almost 50% of the U. S. Market. While BOA is the currently the largest, their competition still exists and offers similar services. Another threat that exists is the customers apprehension to use online or mobile banking. The case study states that 1% of BOA customers used online banking. Customers states that they didn't see the value in online-banking concerns about security, and cost of data usage through cell- phone providers. BOA should focus on addressing these concerns in order to build their mobile banking customers.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Native Americans in the United States Essay

Today, race is seen less as culture and history and more as your intelligence, wealth, morals, and how you should act. Unfortunately, racism, stereotypes, and prejudice have been around so long it’s become some what subconscious of us to pair actions and personalities with a skin color. In Princess Oreo Speaks Out by Dwan Carter, people around her are shocked by how she acts and even go as far as calling her â€Å"white† or â€Å"not black enough. † Carter states, â€Å"It seems that, for a lot of people around me, being black is an attitude. † In society today, people, especially young teens, are pressured to act a certain way based on how they look to feel accepted and ‘normal. ’ A personality that may be perfectly fine if you were one race is found weird and strange in another. In reality, though, race is only skin deep and the color of your skin can not affect how you choose to act. Indian mascot controversies have been going on for years and years. Teams with mascots and names many consider offensive towards Indians exist from high school teams all the way up to professional leagues. Some examples include the Illini Chiefs, Washington Redskins, and Cleveland Indians. Redskins team owner Dan Snyder says, â€Å"After 81 years, the team name ‘Redskins’ continues to hold the memories and meaning of where we came from, who we are, and who we want to be in the years to come. † Even though the name has traditions, it nevertheless has a negative impact and should be retired. The term ‘Redskins is defined in dictionaries as an offensive racial slur. You shouldn’t be using a racial slur to sell a sports team to America and especially not for entertainment. The word is degrading and in a way dehumanizing because of the imagery that goes along with it. The name that claims to be honorable in fact actually leads to negative stereotypes of Native Americans. In arenas across the nation you will witness war chants, face paint, animal feathers, and savage like behavior in the stands. Theses images suggest that Native Americans act like they did 150 years ago. We are ignoring who Native people are today and we are treating them as objects of the past rather than people just like us. Racial integration in schools is very important for kids to be exposed to different races. In Why Are American Schools Still Segregated, studies are showing that schools seem to be falling back towards their segregated pasts. Racial integration in schools is not only important because of unfair educational opportunities and outcomes, but I believe it is also important for kids to be exposed to different races. The studies are showing that the minority races are slowly becoming the majority and that White population is getting smaller. This is even more reason for students to need to learn how to interact in a diverse environment. There are also advantages of having students work with others who are not of the same background. We live in a country founded on the principle of equality of all people regardless of race, but we still struggle to meet that ideal. Some people think we should be colorblind to peoples race, but on the other hand other people think you should pay attention to race because people of different races have encountered different things that need to be taken into account. Kids in highschool who are just starting to figure out who they are have lots of pressures to be someone that they might not necessarily be just because of how they happen to look. I think it’s important to know someone as an individual rather than a person of a specific race. It’s also important to recognize racism in life wherever you may encounter it like on tv, in books, and even things people say and then even start challenging it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Academic Problems Facing College Students Physical Education Essay

Academic Problems Facing College Students Physical Education Essay Post-secondary education is facing many problems today. One of the most significant issues is that students are not prepared for the academic demands of college, which can lead to dissatisfaction, poor grades and non-completion. Nationally, academic preparedness is deficient (Moore, 2006). Idaho has witnessed this problem and is working to overcome the challenges (Idaho State Board of Education, 2009). College enrollment of young adults in Idaho has seen a slight drop since 1990. In comparison with national averages, a relatively fewer number of young adults in Idaho are enrolled in postsecondary education. Moreover, only 43% of those who matriculate to college are able to successfully complete an undergraduate degree within a period of six years (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, 2008). One program post-secondary institutions have embraced in Idaho is dual enrollment, a program that encourages high school students to attend college courses concurrent with high school courses for high school and college credit, also known as dual credit. This study will attempt to examine the effectiveness of the dual enrollment program in Idaho, specifically if participating in dual enrollment affects a student’s first year college GPA, and retention. Statement of the Problem The problem being studied is the mixed findings on the effectiveness of dual enrollment programs in influencing college success among first-time college students. Dual enrollment has been thought of as a viable way to reduce high school drop outs and increase college enrollments. Benefits of the dual enrollment programs are supplementing the curriculum of high schools with college courses (Jacobson, 2005), and exposure to the rigors of college while in high school creates a more successful college student. Despite the presence of outcome studies, too little is known about how dual credit enrolment affects college outcomes among those who matriculate first time to college. Thi s study will attempt to examine the effectiveness of the dual enrollment program in Idaho, specifically, if participating in a dual enrollment program correlates with a student’s first year college GPA and retention. Significance of the Study This study contributes to the lack of literature on dual credit programs and their impact of college success. The purpose of this study is to determine whether participation in dual enrollment courses in high school affects the academic experiences of first-time freshen. Institutions now encourage students to co-enroll in postsecondary institutions for credits. In fact, dual credit courses are among the most popular educational programs today. The benefits of dual credit enrollment are well-established in institutional literature. The main benefit of dual credit enrollment is that high school students has a higher likelihood of matriculating into college immediately after high school graduation and towards successful completion of a post secondary degree. Institutions will benefit from this study because it will provide data that could inform practice and implementation of dual credit programs. School administrators can be more adequately informed of how outcomes of dual credit courses are mediated by variables such as gender, ethnicity or socioeconomic status. The data from this study can be used to inform decisions related to how dual credit programs can be made more effective. This could provide basis for changes in the design or implementation of dual credit programs to become more accessible and more conducive for all.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Composer from Baroque to the Classical period Essay

Composer from Baroque to the Classical period - Essay Example Bach was a violin and harpsichord virtuoso. His main style was of polyphonic texture whereby, the chords progressions directed the music’s motion, which made him a master of the fugue. Bach’s music was very baroque, a term adapted as a connotation for extravagant, excess, and emotionally expressive music. Therefore, his music was full of emotion and featured a basso continuo. Bach composed a total 1128 works for voice, orchestra, organ, keyboard, chamber, and canon. Bach also composed works that were either fragmented, spurious doubtful, or lost. Sebastian Bach composed for the organ, the harpsichord, the clavichord, and the violin. He lived in Germany. Bach’s cooperation with royalty was fuelled by his devotion to write Christian music, as evidenced by his compositions in his time at the Lutheran church. There were no direct political motives to write what he did. Bach’s influence on the Classical era is not profound. Although the classical musicians adop ted a new style of writing music, Mozart took interest in Sebastian Bach’s polyphonic tones in his Jupiter composition. Bach’s death in 1950 marked the end of the Baroque era and the beginning of the Classical period. Making him the most influential composer from the Baroque era to the Classical era. The Baroque period of music is a period that encouraged self-expression, formation of counterpoints, certain degrees of ornamentation and open forms. The period is known for its inconsistency; although the music in this era shares the same genre.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Comparative criminal justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Comparative criminal justice - Assignment Example The rulings of the lower courts can be appealed in the highest court –the Federal Court of Justice. The judges of local courts are tasked with hearing of prosecutions that lead to a sentence of not more than one year, whereas cases deemed to be more serious or leading to a sentence of up to three years, the local court judges are assisted by two lay judges who are equivalent of a jury in the common law system. Criminal cases which have sentences of more than three years are heard in a Land Court and presided over by three judges assisted by six lay judges. Cases such as genocide or treason, and appeals from lower courts are heard in a Land court of appeal, and are presided by a five judge bench. Japan’s criminal justice system, the penal code is based on the German model and are, therefore, very similar. The criminal procedure code guarantees the right of the accused and seems to be more accusatorial despite the fact that the judge is still allowed to question witnesses, and decide cases based on the evidence presented by both plaintiff and defendant. On the other hand, Saudis criminal justice system is based on the sharia, specifically the Hanbali school of Sunni Islam (Fairchild and Dammer 65). This system gave prominence to the beliefs and sayings of Muhammad, the prophet and Islam traditions. Crimes such as homicide, adultery, theft, personal injury, and so on, are defined carefully with penalties prescribed for each. As opposed to the German model or the common law, crimes such as homicide are considered crimes against a person not society, and as such the state administers justice on its own liking. In fact, victim’s family or the victim has the right to prescribe punishment or grant clemency. As opposed to German and Japanese criminal justice system, the Saudi criminal justice systems are based on concepts that are

Green mile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Green mile - Essay Example We can also see in the process of the film that this man is too kind and sincere and he often cries. The director of the film provides the viewers of the film that Paul is able to heal the dying mouse and help Paul to deal with his urinary infection. John is not pride of his power and he just takes it for granted. There is something enchanting about this film, when the viewers are attracted by watching the most important things and facial expressions of the main characters of the film. There is a deep and profound friendship bounds between the old man and Paul. We can see that Paul is a sympathizing person and that he is able to feel sympathy towards those prisoners, who are going along their final paths in their lives. The director of the film impresses the audience by using different angles of camera. Coffeys image is shown from different perspectives. There is a clear intention of the director of the film to show Coffeys appearance from different perspectives. I do not know why, but the director managed to show the character of John Coffey as a tender person. Coffey underlines that he is able to react to his spiritual abilities to heal someone and his face reflects all his inner emotions and feelings. At this moment the director employs the camera zoom. The usage of flashbacks makes the viewers think about their lives as profoundly, as the main characters of the film do. Coffey holds two girls in his arms and we can see sincere feelings of a black man, holding small girls in his arms. The dogs are barking and the girls are crying, but the director intends to position this flashback as an evidence of Coffeys innocence. The process of Edgecombes healing by Coffey is depicted in a magical manner by the director. In such a way, he wants to show the viewers that Coffey is an extraordinary person and he should not be blamed for raping or murdering the two small girls. We can claim that realism

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The managerment of breathlessness in patients with COPD Essay

The managerment of breathlessness in patients with COPD - Essay Example The crux of treatment of COPD is management of breathlessness which will be elaborated in this assignment. COPD is defined as "a disease state characterized by the presence of airflow obstruction due to chronic bronchitis or emphysema" (Sharma, 2006). Clinically, chronic bronchitis is defined as the presence of chronic cough with no other etiology and which is productive for at least 3 months during each of the two consecutive years. Emphysema is damage of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, the damage being irreversible, abnormal and associated with destruction of the air space walls with no obvious fibrosis (Fromer and Cooper, 2008). The global prevalence of COPD is about 7.5% of which 6.4% is due to chronic bronchitis and only 1.8% due to emphysema (Sharma, 2006). In adults above 40 years of age, the prevalence is estimated to be about 9-10% (Sharma, 2006). Men are most commonly affected by this disease. However, the incidence in women is increasing due to increased smoking (Sharma, 2006). COPD is associated with certain mortality and morbidity. The mortality rates in the world vary quite a lot and can be anywhere between 100- 400 deaths per 100,000 males (Sharma, 2006). The most common cause of COPD is cigarette smoking (Silvermann and Speizer, 1996). This condition affects about 15% of cigarette smokers (NICE, 2004). Other risk factors for the development of COPD are air pollution especially due to solid cooking fuels, presence of airway hyperresponsiveness (Sharma, 2006). The characteristic pathophysiological changes in COPD are seen in the central airways, the peripheral airways and also the lung parenchyma. Diverse mechanisms are implicated in the pathophysiology of COPD (Thurlbeck, 1990). Primary offenders like oxidative stress due to free radicals from cigarette smoke and oxidants from phagocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes trigger the release of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Culture of Corruption in India, and its Impact on the Indian Article

The Culture of Corruption in India, and its Impact on the Indian Society - Article Example That would be the case if the effect of the rope is positive. Let’s consider that the rope stands as a symbol of the culture that surrounds us – family traditions, religious beliefs, work ethic – and the stone represents our core individual values. Thus, if a person’s values are not strong enough, the cultural rope would quickly find its way through simply since it surrounds the person within. It is only a matter of time before the culture of the rope corrupts the rigidity of the stone no matter how strong its values are. The same evening, while returning home in a hurry, I accidently jumped a red light on a small traffic signal. The traffic policeman immediately pointed at me to pull over to the side of the street. The officer was a big fellow with a turban on his head representing the colors of the Punjab Police. It took me a while to gather the confidence to reach for my wallet and pull out a five-hundred rupee bill. I rolled my window down, slowly fill ed my breath, and without saying a word just handed the officer the bill concealed in a handshake. He immediately knew what it was, and the second he could catch a glimpse of the number ‘500’ on the bill, he let me pass scot-free and wished me a good evening. There was no mention of any driver’s license, car insurance or proof of ownership. It did not strike me until later that I had just purchased the law out of my wallet from none other than a symbol of the law. The officer, who is supposed to enforce the laws created by the state, had given me the liberty to walk away from the consequences of breaking the law. The way in which the incident had occurred shows that there is an understanding between citizens and the police, where such actions are expected by both parties. Any citizen who jumps a traffic light and is asked to pull over knows that the penalty is far greater than the one thousand rupee fine. The fine is combined with the confiscation of one’s driving license, the car’s proof of registration, and multiple trips to the local courthouse spanning over a few weeks, or sometimes even months. The service at these courthouses is not much different from the Los Angeles DMVs – rude, excruciatingly slow, and inefficient. A simple affair of paying a traffic fine becomes a month’s job. The courageous act of handing over the bribe to the traffic policeman saves one from all that trouble. People look for the easiest, most convenient way out of their problems. Mandeville calls it psychological hedonism, an idea that each individual seeks his own benefit. The citizen finds his benefit in bribing the one policeman rather than running around the corridors of local courts for weeks. The traffic policeman understands his responsibility to uphold the law to the best of his ability. His twelve-hours a day, six days a week duty pays him a meager salary after government cuts, which is barely enough for him to sustain his ba sic necessities. The opportunity to earn a few extra bucks comes rarely to him, but it remains an opportunity that he fails to miss. He does, however, face a moral dilemma – between his honest core values and the easy money being presented to him – every time that the opportunity arises. Therefore, when the price is right – and by right I mean high ‘

Monday, September 23, 2019

Inorganic chemistry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Inorganic chemistry - Assignment Example This accounts for the differences in the overall stability constants between the Cu2+/NH3 and Cu2+/en systems. The crystal field splitting is the division in energy between two arrays of d orbitals due to uneven repulsion of the d electrons of the metal by the negative charges, which are set octahedrally around the innermost metal ion (Reger, Goode & Ball 2009). Therefore, the energy of the d orbitals augments as the negative charges approach the metal ion (Crystal field theory: energy level splitting n.d.). 4. The magnetic moment of [Mn(H2O)6]2+ is 5.9 BM while the magnetic moment of [Mn(CN)6]4- is 1.7 BM because [Mn(H2O)6]2+ contains more unpaired electrons compared to [Mn(CN)6]4-. According to Khandelwal, the magnetic moment of a substance increases with the increase in the number of unpaired electrons (n.d.). 5. The limitations of the Crystal Field Theory as applied to transition metal complexes are that it ignores the central metal atom and the ligands. The Crystal field Theory views ligands as point charges and does not account for chemical bonds. The Molecular Orbital Theory is a more useful theory because it explains atoms in terms of orbitals and the arrangement of electrons in the orbitals (electron configuration). This helps in accounting for chemical bonds as a result of transfer or sharing of electrons. It takes into account the ionic and covalent involvements in the formation of complexes. The Latimer diagram indicates the standard reduction potential for changes between each of the oxidation states of an element in order, starting with the highest oxidation state on the left and the lowest oxidation state on the right (Chandra 2006). The first step involves identifying the element with the highest oxidation state and writing it down. An arrow is drawn from this element to that with the second highest oxidation

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The New Calendar Essay Example for Free

The New Calendar Essay As time changes, so does the calendar. In 1793, the Gregorian calendar was replaced by a new one. Dates were moved, months renamed and the number of days in a week increased. The reason for a new calendar in France was to change and fix what was wrong in the original calendar. People who were with the new calendar approved it, for it provided more work and and a better resting day. For those who were against the new calendar, claimed that it made working life more difficult and that it was against nature. The adoption of a new calendar was a major change during the French Revolution. The calendar was created by skilled astronomers and was believed to be correct. The new calendar was created to correct all the problems that were passed down to them for many generations. Many believed that the Gregorian calendar was corrupt and the vices should be corrected (Doc 9). The new calendar showed the character of the revolution. Exactness, simplicity, reason and philosophy was used to create the new calendar. They believed that the new calendar will soon increase commerce and trade through uniformity of weights and measures. The arts and history will need new measurements of time. All errors of routine, which have been passed down, will now be erased (Doc 5). They also believed that it would make farming much easier if the year was split up by seasons (Doc 4). This is bias because the people who created the new calendar probably were high class citizens and don’t know how hard labor was for the farmers and the affects of more work days. Many people were in favor of this new calendar and were strong supporters. Many believed that the church calendar was brought upon ignorant people and that its main purposed was to mark the progress of fanaticism, debasement of nations, persecution and disgust. Also that as time creates new history it needs to be written in a different way (Doc 2). Many supported the Tenth Day of the week. People enjoyed reciting deeds, reading republican accomplishments, and honoring the memory of generals who became martyrs. They claimed they gained virtue on their day of rest (Doc 6). Some where thankful for extra days of labor and less day of rest for the active people (Doc 9). This is bias because if you have an easy job you would want to go to work but if you were raised and worked as a farmer who has do endure ifficult days of hard labor, you would be against the new calendar. Most of the people were not in favor of this new change. Many believed that the new calendar makes it much harder to connect with neighboring countries and with the centuries before them. It creates an obstacle too difficult to overcome (Doc 3). This is bias because even though the countries may have some similarities, their traditions and customs will always be different. Farmers complained about having more days of labor and less days of rest. In the ten day weeks, nine days are work days and one day is a rest day. They said that it was unbearable work and that they need more rest days from the harsh labor (Doc 7). Some say that the new calendar was forced upon the people as an act of despotism and that the holidays and festivals were based on it and were detestable (Doc 8). They also complained that there weren’t enough days of worship and that the extra days of worship should be reduced so Sunday is more holy and that the prayers are accepted by God. This is bias because even if they turn that calendar back to the original, there is only one day of worship, the same as the new calendar. When the National Convention adopted the revolutionary calendar, there were many different reactions to this change. The reason for the new calendar was to create a change and fix all the errors with the Gregorian calendar. Many people thought the new calendar provided more work and production of goods and a better rest day. Those who were not in favor of this new calendar were against it because it created harder labor and less time for rest and worship. This ne calendar lasted through the republican era but was erased by Napoleon I in 1806.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Light Trapping Properties of Solar Cells

Light Trapping Properties of Solar Cells Abstract In this paper, we have investigated the light trapping properties of solar cells based on one-dimensional photonic crystal (1DPC) by using finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. Light trapping is essential for thin film solar cells due to the limited absorption in long wavelength range. Here, we used different types of solar cell structures and to explore their photonic ray theories (electric field propagation) and numerical simulations. The one-dimensional thin film solar cell consists of distributed Bragg’s reflector (DBR), Metal back reflector, grating and anti-reflection coating (ARC). The influence of the grating period and depth, the optimal path length has to be increased. These numerical simulations indicate that this combined photonic structure is capable of improving the external quantum efficiency and their absorption. As well as the relative enhancement increased up-to 60% for thin film silicon solar cells. We further to investigate high efficiency of thin fi lm solar cell using different structure. Index terms: Finite difference time domain (FDTD), distributed Bragg’s reflector (DBR), the grating, metal reflector, anti-reflection coating (ARC) and relative enhancement factor. Introduction The scientific community is intensively working to achieve high efficiency thin film solar cells based on silicon. Among the various energy sources, solar energy is well considered to be very promising and achieved wide applications for space and global power generation. The silicon based thin films are cheaper and easy fabrication due to well developed silicon technology. The Silicon based thin films have been the choice as active materials for solar cells, such as crystalline silicon (c-Si), amorphous silicon (a-Si), micro crystalline silicon (ÃŽ ¼c-Si) and so on [1]. The efficiency of silicon thin film solar cell (TFSC) is low due to their weak absorption in longer wavelength range. Thus the light trapping mechanism for thin film silicon solar cell becomes a vital role to improve the conversion efficiency. The crystalline silicon solar cells integrated with the DBR, metal reflector, ARC and grating. Therefore, the incident light is expected to be partially absorbed in the active l ayer of crystalline silicon (c-Si), after the support through the front anti-reflection coating layer (Si3N4) and the back reflector of aluminum (Al) or dielectric (DBR) layers. We are realized that incident light is scattered into the DBR due to the periodic grating and reflected back at the bottom interface. Therefore the way of light trapping in this design is different from usual reflectors based on metals or photonic crystals [2, 3]. In this paper, we will focus on strongly corrugated photonic crystal absorbers made up of a-Si and SiO2 layers are periodically patterned. Finally, the optical presentation of the structure will be indicated by their integrated absorption, the absorbed spectral range between 300-1200nm. This paper deals with the modeling and designing of solar cells using FDTD method. Figure 1 The schematic diagram of the solar cell structure Designing Approach Finite difference time domain (FDTD) method as a sophisticated computational method used to model advanced devices. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of solar cell composed of anti-reflection coating (ARC), diffraction grating and photonic crystals also known as distributed Bragg’s reflector. The distributed Bragg’s reflector (DBR) consists of alternate layers of amorphous Si (a-Si) and silicon-di-oxide (SiO2) with their refractive index 3.6 and 1.45 and thickness 56nm, 138nm respectively. The thickness of the each layer is determined by the quarter wave principle (t = ÃŽ »C /4n), where, n-is the refractive index and ÃŽ »C is the center wavelength of photonic band gap. On top of the DBR, diffraction grating is embedded which is made of a-Si and SiO2, with duty cycle (Gdc=0.5ÃŽ ¼m), period (Gp=0.6ÃŽ ¼m) and thickness (Tg=0.1ÃŽ ¼m).The anti-reflection coating (ARC) layer is made of silicon nitrate (Si3N4) and their thickness 0.07ÃŽ ¼m. Result and Discussion The wave propagation designed solar cell is shown in figure 2. We have used commercial available Full WAVE tool supplied by RSoft. We can see light interaction into the device, when one light is made incident on the solar cell. The shorter wavelength is absorbed by the active region while longer wavelength moves toward bottom layer. The grating interaction gives scattering and diffraction of light where as DBR reflects remaining light. This mechanism finally force the light waves into active region. We have designed and analyzed four different structures of solar cells to understand the light trapping mechanism. Figure 2 Schematic diagrams of solar cell structure and their electric field distribution Figure 3 (a) show absorption of solar cells in accordance to wavelength from 300 to 1200nm. To compare the performance of designed devices we have designed a planer solar cell which mainly consists of anti-reflection coating of silicon nitride. The solar cell absorption of DBR and ARC based solar cell is found to be improved than reference solar cell. However, DBR, ARC and GRA based solar cells show distinct absorption as comparisons to cell C1 and C3. We can see added absorption peak in the red and infrared part of solar spectrum for the case of cell 2. Figure 3 Absorption (a) and Quantum efficiency (b) of designed four solar cells Figure 3b shows Quantum efficiency of different types of thin film Silicon solar cells. The solar cell (C2) composed of DBR, ARC and GR Solar cell C2 shows enhanced quantum efficiency then solar cells C1 and C3. The solar cell C2 peaks between 600 and 1160nm range, which indicates the efficient trapping of light. However, reference cell has the less quantum efficiency show sharp as compare to cells C1 and C3. The overall quantum efficiency is found to be increased between the 700 to 1160nm wavelength range. The quantum efficiency clearly exposes the light absorption enhancement of the light trapping structure in certain wavelength range only. The different solar cell structure shows the highest performances and their relative efficiency was achieved up to 60%, it is compared to the reference cell. Figure 4 J-V characteristics for solar cells with different back structures The figure 4 shows the short circuit current versus voltage characteristics of four designed solar cells. The highest short circuit current can be absorbed for cell C2, C3 and C1 respectively. The short circuit current enhancement factors are 21mA/cm2, 53.8mA/cm2 and 60.5mA/cm2. The overall short circuit current of DBR with grating structure got more enhancements (~60%). Table-I shows the short circuit current, open circuit Voltage, relative enhancement factor and cell efficiency of different solar cell structures. Table-1 The comparison of optical characteristics of C-Si solar cell with different back structures with reference structure All the back structures are improved the cell efficiencies as shown in table I. The open circuit voltage (VOC= 0.7V) and the fill factor (FF=84.5%) are similar to all the structures. The back reflectors showing significant enhancement as evidenced by figure 3. Figure 5 The efficiency enhancement of c-Si solar cells with different structures The characteristic of different back reflector with active region and their enhanced efficiency as shown in figure 5. The combination of periodic grating and DBR structure indicates 60% enhancement, while aluminum with grating structure indicates 53.4% enhancement, it is compared to bare silicon or without any reflector on the back surface. It is simulated as a compare to the perfect periodic cell structure. Conclusion In conclusion, we proposed new photonic light trapping structure and the numerical simulations indicate that this combined photonic structure is capable of improving the cell efficiency by more than 55% for thin film silicon solar cell structure. We investigated the mechanism for an efficient light trapping structure for thin film solar cells using FDTD method. At wavelength range between 400 to 1200nm, we got stronger absorption peaks for silicon with metal and grating. The efficiency also increased, it is much more considerable. These results are providing a path to achieve low cost and strong efficiency enhancement for thin film silicon solar cell. Integrated of self assembled alumina and DBR for more light trapping in silicon photo voltaic (PV) devices. The high efficiency solar cell will be greatly more evident for smaller cell thickness and improved their absorption. Further, we will get more cell efficiency using metal nano sphere and texture the grating structure. Reference [1] L.Zhao, Y.H.Zuo, C.L.Zhou, H.L.Li, H.W. Diao and W.J.Wang, A highly efficient light trapping structure for thin film silicon solar cells, Solar energy 84 (2010) 110-115. [2] Krc. J, Zeman, M, Luxembourg, SL Topic, M.Modulated photonic-crystal structures as broad band back reflectors in thin-film solar cells.Applied Physics Letters, (2009), 94(15), 153501-153501-3. [3] Lord RayleighSec. R. S. On the maintenance of vibrations by forces of double frequency, and on the propagation of waves through a medium endowed with a periodic structure, Vol. 24, issue 147, (1887), 145-159. [4] A. Taflove, S.C. Hagness, Computational Electrodynamics, 2nd ed., Artech House, Norwood, MA, 2000. [5] A.F. Oskooi, D.Roundy, M. Ibanescu, P.Bermel, J. D. Joannpoulos, S.G. Johnson, Computer Physics Communications 181 (2010) 687. [6] Xing sheng, steven G. Johnson, Lirong Z. Broderick, Jurgen Michel and Lionel C. Kimerling, Integrated photonic structures for light trapping in thin film Si solar cells, Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012), 111110. [7] L.Zeng, Y.Yi, C.Hong, J.Liu, N.Feng, X.Duan and L.C. Kimerling, Efficiency enhancement in Si solar cells by textured photonic crystal back reflector, Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006), 111111.

Bush and Hitler - Parallel Lives :: Politics Political

Bush and Hitler - Parallel Lives The 70th anniversary wasn't noticed in the United States, and was barely reported in the corporate media. But the Germans remembered well that fateful day seventy years ago - February 27, 1933. They commemorated the anniversary by joining in demonstrations for peace that mobilized citizens all across the world. It started when the government, in the midst of a worldwide economic crisis, received reports of an imminent terrorist attack. A foreign ideologue had launched feeble attacks on a few famous buildings, but the media largely ignored his relatively small efforts. The intelligence services knew, however, that the odds were he would eventually succeed. (Historians are still arguing whether or not rogue elements in the intelligence service helped the terrorist; the most recent research implies they did not.) But the warnings of investigators were ignored at the highest levels, in part because the government was distracted; the man who claimed to be the nation's leader had not been elected by a majority vote and the majority of citizens claimed he had no right to the powers he coveted. He was a simpleton, some said, a cartoon character of a man who saw things in black-and-white terms and didn't have the intellect to understand the subtleties of running a nation in a complex and internationalist world. His coarse use of language - reflecting his political roots in a southernmost state - and his simplistic and often-inflammatory nationalistic rhetoric offended the aristocrats, foreign leaders, and the well-educated elite in the government and media. And, as a young man, he'd joined a secret society with an occult-sounding name and bizarre initiation rituals that involved skulls and human bones. Nonetheless, he knew the terrorist was going to strike (although he didn't know where or when), and he had already considered his response. When an aide brought him word that the nation's most prestigious building was ablaze, he verified it was the terrorist who had struck and then rushed to the scene and called a press conference. "You are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in history," he proclaimed, standing in front of the burned-out building, surrounded by national media. "This fire," he said, his voice trembling with emotion, "is the beginning." He used the occasion - "a sign from God," he called it - to declare an all-out war on terrorism and its ideological sponsors, a people, he said, who traced their origins to the Middle East and found motivation for their evil deeds in their religion.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Poem :: Poems

As we sat around like every other day, We decided we could no longer stay. So we packed up the van And we were determined to darken our tan. California was where we were going To the beach where it’s never snowing. We were off to watch the scenery during the day And at night, find the best partay. By now you’re wondering who is we It is five of my friends and don’t forget me. So without further adieu Let me introduce my crew. First on my list Is a man who is hard to miss. He wears a bright orange coat But is rarely one to gloat. He frequently runs naked through the streets But is a friend to most anyone he meets. He is the kind of guy that is never a stranger He waves to everyone in his Ford Ranger. His music is a unique pick Pretending to play along is his trick. He works at the hardware store called ACE But teaching is what he wishes to chase. Hunting and skanking is what he loves to do His name is Mickey now onto number two. The next girl is the understanding one. She takes a lot of crap, but it’s all in fun. I.S.U. is where she chose to learn An education she hopes to earn. Soccer was her favorite sport She is very good, although she is quite short Hanging out with her is always cool She did quite well during high school. She has always been a real smarty Whenever we visit her, she knows where to party. She will always be a part of the group Her name is Julie and she’s the second of the troop. My long time friend Gabe is the third He is hard to describe in just one word. He has the biggest ears around His girlfriend, Staci’s house is where he’ll be found . Soccer’s what he loves to play Instead he’s stuck at work all day. When it comes to humor he’s the best At funny stories, he’s better then the rest. He tried to change the color of his hair Many people just turned to stare. With his future he is still unclear Purdue is where he’d like his path to steer. As for worries he has none His mind is set on having fun. This trip is all he has on his mind Now we have the fourth member to find. The next member lives down the street form me. My college roommate will soon be he. He is the tallest of our six His basement’s where we watch our flicks. A ’97 Camero is what he drives An I.S.U. education is for what he strives. A hockey goalie he used to play,

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Reproductive Controls and Sexual Destiny :: Homosexuality Essays

Reproductive Controls and Sexual Destiny Reproductive Controls and sexual destiny seeks to determine whether ways to manipulate and erase sexual identity of homosexual nature is moral, criminal, and should be government control. She argues, â€Å"Selecting against gay children implies the worthlessness of homosexuality and is therefore insulting to gay people as a degradation of their dignity.† She also believes that in order for the idea to be considered immoral it must bring harm to the child in consideration. It does not. It represents human choice, which is to be preserved and encouraged. She does believe that this decision could be viewed as immoral in that it is in a way selfish. She does believe that to further the argument for a government ban there must be an establishment of a cause of homosexuality that is more concrete than hormonally based. The success of the argument against homosexuality in general can survive if the underlying religious assumption is accepted. If the concept of human nature is accepte d it represents human choice rather than destiny of individual to be heterosexual as the Roman Catholic Church argues that god has purposed humans to be and will be held accountable for by god. In order for a reader to â€Å"buy† this article the world have to be a utopia in which people are accepted for who they are what they believe in; what their religion is and who their friends are. Which brings me to the topic the author is actually â€Å"selling†. The title he uses, Reproductive controls and sexual destiny creates pre reader imagery, if you will. He makes the reader think of his two worse nightmares someone controlling his future involving his/her abilities to bring life into this world. Now after he has gotten the reader in this mode of defense for anything that tries to control his/her reproduction he uses words in his first and second paragraphs such as eradicate and constraining respectively. He has now laid he groundwork for his underlying and implicit argu ment†¦the philosophy of heterosexualism is smothering the gay community from enjoying there own destinies to not only be gay but to condone it as a perfectly valid choice for their offspring or any body else’s. He thinks that anyone should have the opportunity to choose to become gay; people should not choose heterosexuality over homosexuality. In the purpose of his essay the author sates Reproductive Controls and Sexual Destiny :: Homosexuality Essays Reproductive Controls and Sexual Destiny Reproductive Controls and sexual destiny seeks to determine whether ways to manipulate and erase sexual identity of homosexual nature is moral, criminal, and should be government control. She argues, â€Å"Selecting against gay children implies the worthlessness of homosexuality and is therefore insulting to gay people as a degradation of their dignity.† She also believes that in order for the idea to be considered immoral it must bring harm to the child in consideration. It does not. It represents human choice, which is to be preserved and encouraged. She does believe that this decision could be viewed as immoral in that it is in a way selfish. She does believe that to further the argument for a government ban there must be an establishment of a cause of homosexuality that is more concrete than hormonally based. The success of the argument against homosexuality in general can survive if the underlying religious assumption is accepted. If the concept of human nature is accepte d it represents human choice rather than destiny of individual to be heterosexual as the Roman Catholic Church argues that god has purposed humans to be and will be held accountable for by god. In order for a reader to â€Å"buy† this article the world have to be a utopia in which people are accepted for who they are what they believe in; what their religion is and who their friends are. Which brings me to the topic the author is actually â€Å"selling†. The title he uses, Reproductive controls and sexual destiny creates pre reader imagery, if you will. He makes the reader think of his two worse nightmares someone controlling his future involving his/her abilities to bring life into this world. Now after he has gotten the reader in this mode of defense for anything that tries to control his/her reproduction he uses words in his first and second paragraphs such as eradicate and constraining respectively. He has now laid he groundwork for his underlying and implicit argu ment†¦the philosophy of heterosexualism is smothering the gay community from enjoying there own destinies to not only be gay but to condone it as a perfectly valid choice for their offspring or any body else’s. He thinks that anyone should have the opportunity to choose to become gay; people should not choose heterosexuality over homosexuality. In the purpose of his essay the author sates

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Queen Elizabeth Essay

‘The Taming of the Shrew’, written by William Shakespeare between 1589 and 1594, is a romantic comedy set in the Italian city of Padua. Since the play was written, the audience’s idea of comedy has changed quite dramatically. In the fifteen hundreds, an audience would have enjoyed obvious, visual aspects of comedy such as we would see in a modern-day pantomime, whereas an audience watching the play today would also enjoy less obvious aspects such as sarcasm, irony and dry humour. Shakespeare, although aware of Queen Elizabeth’s position as a strong and independent woman, also had to fulfil the expectations of the time. This is why the ‘feminist’ of the play comes out ‘Tamed’ at the end. Women were expected to be obedient to men, whether husband, father or elder, in the same way as commoners were subservient to the King and aristocracy, a model of society often referred to as the Great Chain of Being. This hierarchy supported belief in the Divine Right of Kings and, similarly, in man’s superiority to woman. The fact that the play is set in Italy further strengthens the link with the Italian tradition of Commedia dell’Arte, one of the major influences on modern pantomime. The subject of ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ – who shall have sovereignty in marriage – is also part of a long and well established tradition in English literature offering many opportunities for comedy, for example Chaucer’s ‘Wife of Bath’s Tale’ and Noah’s wife in the Medieval Mystery Plays. The play is primarily about love and respect between husband and wife, though there are many other underlying themes: the relationship between master and servant, violence, and oppression, sexual compatibility, marriage and its materialistic assets, family, and the relationship between appearance and reality. As the title suggests, the play follows the struggles of Petruchio and Katherina in courtship and marriage; Petruchio takes on the challenge of marrying the famed ‘Shrew’, known in Padua for her scolding tongue and uninviting attitude, and by the end of the play manages to tame her. It sheds light on the belief of the time that women should be completely obedient toward their masters, and that Kate realizes she will get nowhere resisting men and relents to Petruchio’s authority.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Effects of World War Ii on Northern & Southern Ireland; 1939-1945

The effects of World War II on Northern & Southern Ireland; 1939-1945 Daniel McCarthy (Visiting Student) Student Identification Number: 08102474 The Two Ireland’s in the 20th Century 0809-HI 208. E John Cunningham Word Count: 2,990 13 March 2009 Daniel McCarthy 1 Throughout the time period of 1939-1945, the two countries of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland found themselves in two different positions in regards to participating in World War II. Northern Ireland, which was controlled by the United Kingdom, played a vital role in helping defeat the Axis powers through its strategically located position and its manufacturing abilities. While the Republic of Ireland lead by Taoiseach Eamon de Valera vowed to remain neutral and keep its citizens out of war. While completely different in ideologies, did the two different countries share any similar experiences throughout World War II? A vast range of similar and differencing experiences occurred to these two Ireland’s collectively throughout 1935-1945. Overall, while the Republic of Ireland formally remained neutral and Northern Ireland continued to fight, both of the Ireland’s different philosophies and approaches helped garner new experiences and identities on an international stage. To understand the experiences and philosophy of the Republic of Ireland during World War II, the past must be analyzed to realize their decision for declaring neutrality. Ireland’s neutrality lineage can be dated back to 1914 when organizations such as the Irish Neutrality League promoted such nationalist slogans as, â€Å"Neither King nor Kaiser but Ireland! (Murphy 9). Prior to World War II beginning, the Republic of Ireland found itself in a less than desirable position. Ireland fought the British for independence from the years 1919-1921 in the Anglo-Irish War and subsequently again from the years 1933-1938 in the Anglo-Irish Trade War. This twenty year period left the Republic of Ireland in a state of political reconstruction and economical recession. Resulting from this, a â€Å"Guaranteed Neutrality† clause was added to the â€Å"Draft Treaty A†. Irish delegate Erskine Daniel McCarthy 2 Childers explained that an independent Ireland would, â€Å"stand alone, like the vast majority of small nations, with complete independent control of our territory, waters and forces, neutral in all wars and devoted to peaceful development† (Murphy 10). Moreover, the experiences of these amounting conflicts resulted in Ireland wanting to rebuild its own infrastructure and nation rather than become entangled in conflict, on any scale. A few philosophies existed in the Republic of Ireland supporting neutrality, in particularly de Valera leadership for remaining neutral the entirety of the war. To de Valera one of his earliest conclusions was that it would be â€Å"completely foolish† for a small nation like Ireland, to volunteer and become a belligerent country. Thus, welcoming hardships in his eyes were not necessary or needed. Alongside this, de Valera used the partition of Ireland to explain remaining neutral by offering, â€Å"we believe that no other position would be accepted by the majority of our people as long as the present position exists† and also explaining, â€Å"The continued existence of partition, that unnatural separation of six of our counties from the rest of Ireland, added in our case a further decisive reason† (Murphy 14). This nationalist feeling portrayed from Southern Ireland was that it must no longer be involved in â€Å"England’s Wars† and allow for Ireland to create their own sovereignty (Murphy 9). These experiences prior to World War II offer a brief synopsis as to why de Valera continued to remain out of the war: to protect Ireland’s best interest. This ideology of self preservation and neutrality would be the driving force behind Ireland’s experiences throughout World War II. While de Valera and Fianna Fail Daniel McCarthy 3 ontinued on its path of neutrality, Northern Ireland would in time experience a different emergence onto the national stage of politics. The story of Northern Ireland and World War II reveals quite a different experience in comparison to the Republic of Ireland. At the beginning of the war, Northern Ireland experienced little preparation or sense of concern in being drawn into the violence of World War II. On one account a Belfast diarist desc ribed her native city as, â€Å"probably the pleasantest place in Europe. We are unbombed, we have no conscription, there is plenty to eat and life is reasonably normal. † (Barton 48). Mainly, this lack of preparedness and sense of urgency was blamed on Northern Ireland’s Prime Minister Lord Craigavon. Craigavon, was criticized by many as too old and ineffective of a leader to prepare for what many predicted as a very turbulent future for Northern Ireland (Farrell 154). However, Northern Ireland was not initially included in plans from Westminster legislation because they decided that Northern Ireland had no military significance to the allies’ forces. Northern Ireland in the upcoming years would experience a shift from having little importance in World War II into that of a crucial manufacturing city that also supplied Britain with a labor force and acted as a strategically located base (Second World War Online Learning Resource for Northern Ireland). Within the first seven months of 1939, Northern Ireland would begin to transform into a country ready for war. Belfast was quickly noted as not being adequately utilized; with a large number of the population unemployed and its valuable location, measures were quickly put into action to use Northern Ireland’s location. First, Westminster Daniel McCarthy 4 legislation would grant government contracts worth more than ? 6m for equipment which included bedding, battledress, and electrical wiring (Second World War Online Learning Resource for Northern Ireland). While these new initiatives were meant to help the Allied forces, it also helped to a degree curb down Northern Ireland’s unemployment rate. In 1938, the number of unemployed in Northern Ireland was a staggering 91,000. However, with the unemployed working in the shipyards and other various jobs this number eventually curbed down to 77,000 by 1940 (Farrell 161). Furthermore, Northern Ireland would begin to see other changes occurring through its country at the beginning of World War II. The rationing of food followed by the introduction of an identity card system, restrictions on travel, the censorship of mail and telephone calls, governmental controls on the press, the imprisonment of male enemy aliens, the formation of a local home guard and Auxiliary Territorial Services were introduced to Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland over night was quickly transforming into a society to contribute to the war. Due to these escalations and output from Northern Ireland, it soon became a point of interest to the Axis powers and its role in aiding the Allied forces (Second World War Online Learning Resource for Northern Ireland). As illustrated before, a discussion was made which showed the reasons as to why the Republic of Ireland remained neutral throughout the entirety of the war. However, how neutral was Ireland’s experience throughout World War II? The Republic of Ireland and de Valera were formally considered to be neutral but they did assist Northern Ireland and the Allies on numerous occasions. Whether sending meteorology reports to help assist coordination of the invasion of Normandy or sending aid and fire trucks to Belfast Daniel McCarthy 5 after heavy German air raids, these covert operations clearly assisted the Allies (Girvin 25). But, de Valera and Ireland did experience and receive negative feedback throughout the war. De Valera did censor Holocaust images from Ireland and also ceased news radio shows only limiting war reporting’s to brief paragraphs in the paper. Furthermore, German and Japanese embassies remained functioning in Dublin during de Valera’s reign. But then again, Ireland was supposed to be an impartial and neutral country. Once, an American historian for the New York Times stated that de Valera’s nation had, â€Å"missed out somehow on the greatest moral issue of modern history† (Murphy 13). How can the Republic of Ireland’s experience in remaining neutral be summarized throughout World War II? Fianna Fail and de Valera believed that by staying neutral it would preserve Irish sovereignty and indeed save Irish lives. Winston Churchill even made vague promises of reuniting Northern and Southern Ireland at the United Kingdom’s most vulnerable time to de Valera if Ireland joined the Allied forces effort. In a telegram Churchill stated, â€Å"Now is your chance. Now or Never, a Nation once again. Am ready to meet you at any time. † (Farrell 172). De Valera declined Churchill’s offer, knowing that in desperate time’s promises aren’t necessarily kept. But how did all of this affect the Republic of Ireland? Ireland’s experience throughout World War II was neutral but they did indirectly aid the allies’ troops through employment, covert operations, and thousands of Irish volunteering as Allied soldiers. Perhaps, through this experience, de Valera and Ireland contributed more to World War II and the United Kingdom through formal neutrality and covert operations as opposed to having the Daniel McCarthy 6 majority of Ireland, who disapproved of entering the war, being a negative belligerent presence (Murphy 15). While Ireland remained neutral; Northern Ireland continued to build its military presence and differed in many experiences that Ireland didn’t endure. After Germany took over France in June 1940, Northern Ireland became the most important bridgehead for protecting Atlantic shipping lanes (Second World War Online Learning Resource for Northern Ireland). Northern Ireland became increasingly paranoid that Germany was planning for an invasion. Similarly, de Valera was worried at the beginning of the war of a United Kingdom invasion or even a German one or most importantly being drawn into the war by the United Kingdom. But his fears of being drawn into war were subsided when in 1938 the British government returned key ports to Ireland in part of the Anglo-Irish Agreements. But, in Northern Ireland these fears would act as a catalyst for the nation which instructed/designed evacuation routes, ordering blackouts, and the creation of bomb-shelters. By the early 1940’s Belfast in Northern Ireland was considered a large military stronghold with over 100,000 British troops by April 1940’s (Second World War Online Learning Resource for Northern Ireland). This affected not only the economy but the demeanor of Northern Ireland. People of Northern Ireland feared and opposed conscription but the Westminster government understood that already strong resentment from Catholics and even Protestants was not worth the conscription trouble. Additionally, Catholics and Protestant hostility still existed and IRA members still sporadically bombed London but sectarianism did decrease (not by much) among these two Northern Ireland groups (Barton 52). Daniel McCarthy 7 When comparing the two Ireland’s and their experiences throughout World War II, there is a stark difference between the two and the physical damages incurred. Throughout April and May of 1941, Germany began air raids specifically targeting Belfast docks and factories. The casualties and expenses were immensely damaging to Northern Ireland. From these raids an estimated 900-1,100 died, 56,000 houses were badly damaged, 3,200 totally destroyed, and roughly 100,000 people were left homeless (Barton 50). In comparison to the Republic of Ireland, which â€Å"mistakenly† was bombed May 30, 1941 on Dublin’s north side by Germans only endured 41 causalities and seventy houses were damaged (Second World War Online Learning Resource for Northern Ireland). Here, we can see a clear difference between Northern and Southern Ireland. Northern Ireland quickly rose as an important military base while Southern Ireland remained neutral and relatively untouched. How would these events affect the two countries in the long term? One of largest shared experiences between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland throughout World War II would be the matter of emigration and contributing to Britain’s war-time effort. The Republic of Ireland, as much as they wouldn’t like to admit it, relied heavily upon the United Kingdom’s economy. This was clearly illustrated through the Anglo-Irish Trade Wars, which crippled the Irish economy when the Irish decided to ban British imports and in turn the British retaliated by heavily taxing all Irish imports. 90% of Ireland’s exports were to Britain and British consumers ceased purchasing these goods which devastated Ireland’s economy (Connolly 119). It can not be denied that the success of the Republic of Ireland’s economy was linked to the Daniel McCarthy 8 strength of the United Kingdom economy. By 1939, thousands of Irish migrated back to Ireland in fear of being drafted into the British army through conscription acts. However, in 1940 Lord Beveridge from the British Manpower Commissioner realized that over 8. 5 million peoples were needed to work in the munitions factories (Connolly 123). Britain realized the need for Irish labor and the Irish understood that their economy was only as strong as the United Kingdom’s. Westminster permitted the temporary citizenship, labeled, â€Å"conditionally landed† which exempted Irish from conscription for two years while working overseas (Connolly 125). The Republic of Ireland mainly helped facilitate and â€Å"encourage† the emigration of Irish to Britain while the United Kingdom forced an economical conscription upon Northern Ireland. Official statements revealed from the Republic of Ireland, It seems a reasonable view that if they cannot secure normal employment here during the present emergency conditions, which will probably grow worse, the Department should not refuse them the facilities and assistance when they seek to earn their livelihood elsewhere. Girvin 26) Here, the Republic of Ireland realized that during these economically difficult times that both Ireland’s were facing it was better to have Irish work in Britain rather than be unemployed in Ireland. Britain mandated this â€Å"economic conscription† which gave little options for many Northern Ireland citizens. However, the main consequence was that by 1945 the number of unemployed dropped to 16,000 (Farrell 160). Many reasoned that â€Å"economi c conscription† was a better means to an end in comparison to being drafted to fight. Daniel McCarthy 9 Mainly, both the North and South experienced a large migration of its population over to Great Britain. Between the years 1939-1946, net emigration was estimated to be around 189,942 which was a 13. 9% increase of emigration from Ireland from the prior decade. Many feared that this massive migration to Britain would lead to Irishmen and women to adopting British socialist values and abandoning Christianity. Between the years 1941-1945, wages in Britain increased 20% which was a main driving force behind these massive numbers of immigration (Connolly 126). But what did these two Ireland’s experience? They witnessed a higher income for citizens as allotments were sent back to Ireland to rejuvenate the economy and bring down the unemployment rates. Overall, the economy became stronger and Ireland contributed (indirectly) to the Allied forces eventual victory. Overall, what can be said about the two Ireland’s experience throughout World War II? First, let us observe and summarize the Republic of Ireland. Right from the beginning, de Valera and his people opposed war for many reasons. Decades of fighting with the British along with a reconstructing economy coupled as major deterrents for joining the war. The Republic of Ireland would be one of twenty nations that declared neutrality at the beginning of the war and be one of the five that remained true to their declaration. But what were the benefits and disadvantages that came along with neutrality? For one, Ireland didn’t sustain a large population loss after World War II ceased. Unlike other countries that lost thousands or millions of troops, Ireland’s causalities were nominal in comparison. Furthermore, Ireland experienced a feeling of relative safety from stronger powers amongst the world. But what are some of the Daniel McCarthy 10 disadvantages that the Republic of Ireland experienced? Along with de Valera and his orders of censorship, many Irish were left clueless as to the Holocaust happenings and the surroundings around them. Furthermore, the Republic of Ireland faced constant suspicion and hostility from Allied nations, in particularly the United Kingdom. Churchill once announced shortly after Allied victory, â€Å"†¦if it had not been for the loyalty and friendship of Northern Ireland, we should have been forced to come to close quarters with Mr. e Valera, or perish from the Earth† (Ireland during the Second World War). However, these types of verbal assaults were expected and de Valera did rebuttal. As for the Northern Ireland experience from World War II a much different picture can be painted. Northern Ireland seemed to have gotten swept up into the madness of the war. Belfast, one of the most important bases for the Allied forces took on responsi bilities that it never had before. For the main part, many Irish resented Northern Ireland’s participation in the war, particularly Catholics. But, a rapid decline in unemployment helped Northern Ireland experience better economical times. In comparison to the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland experienced more as an outcome of the war. It was actively participating in the war and even helped guide Northern Ireland into it’s most prosperous times with relations to the United Kingdom during the 1950’s and 1960’s (Farrell 152). All in all, Northern Ireland proved capable and useful to the victory of the Allied forces in World War II. In conclusion, who faired better with their approach to World War II. The Republic of Ireland, while neutral, was able to maintain a stable government and did witness improvements in their economy. On top of this, it sustained minimal causalities Daniel McCarthy 11 and also was able to reap many of the benefits that came along with the Allied victories. Had the Republic of Ireland been included into the war than it is for certain that German invasion would of occurred due to a weak military presence and lack of organization. Northern Ireland, while its experiences were vastly different to that of the South’s it had to rebuild and continue serving under the United Kingdom. Overall, both Ireland’s witnessed and endured hardness but ultimately the Republic of Ireland and their stance on neutrality won in the long run when comparing the two Ireland’s. Daniel McCarthy 12 Works Cited Farrell, Michael. Northern Ireland: the Orange State. Pluto P, 1973. Ireland During the Second World War. 10 Mar. 2009 . Murphy, John A. , Brian Girvin, Brian Barton, and Tracey Connolly. Ireland & The Second World War Politics, Society, and Remembrance. Ed. Brian Girvin and Geoffrey Roberts. Dublin: Four Courts, 2000. Second World War Online Learning Resource for Northern Ireland. Ed. NIMC Second World War. 11 Mar. 2009 .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Environmental Pollution Essay

1. Effects on Climate Land pollution can affect the general environment of the Earth. Land pollutions leads to loss in the forest cover of Earth. This is in turn going to affect the amount of rain. Less rains mean lesser vegetation. The effect of all different kinds of pollution will eventually lead to problems like acid rains, greenhouse effect, global warming. All of these problems have already initiated and need to be curbed before the situation runs out of control. 2. Extinction of Species One of the major causes of concern is the extinction of species. Species are pushed towards endangerment and extinction primarily by two processes. Habitat fragmentation is the fragmentation of the natural habitat of an organism; cause primarily by urban sprawl. Habitat destruction, on the other hand, is when land clearing adversely affects animals special such that their natural habitat is lost. Both the actions can cause some species to go extinct and others to become invasive. 3. Biomagnification Biomagnification is the process in which certain non-biodegradable substances go on accumulating in the food-chain (in one or more species). The most common example is of methylmercury in fish and mercury in eagles. Not only does biomagnification put the particular species at risk, it puts all the species above and below it at risk, and ultimately affects the food pyramid. 4. Effects on Biodiversity Species extinction and biomagnification is going to overthrow the balance of nature very significantly. The main reason for this is disturbance created in the food chain. To give you a very simple example – on account of biomagnification of mercury in eagles, they might go extinct in the subsequent years. However, we know eagles prey on snakes. Less (or no) eagles will then result in more number of snakes! As you may have realized, land pollution is indeed going to affect a lot more things than we though it will. Hence, I leave you with some corrective measure you can take on a personal level to reduce land pollution. Encourage organic farming – buy organic food. Proper garbage disposal – separate your garbage before you give it to the garbage collector; and strictly say NO to plastic. Encourage recycling – buy recycled products, notebooks, paper, etc. Restrict use of herbicides and pesticides – they are not only used in farm, but in your own backyard as well. If we reduce our contribution to garbage and litter, therein itself we will be able to significantly reduce land pollution and probably curb it entirely in the near future. Also do realize this isn’t only about land pollution; it is about all kinds of pollution. We need to take steps to prevent damaging our Earth. We have no other place to go. Read more at Buzzle:

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Strain Theories

Strain theories look through a structural scope to examine crime in society. When people fail to meet societal goals, they feel a strain in their lives. An increase in strain can lead to an increase in crime.Strain can be felt throughout any community, large or small. I’m from a town of 3,000 people in rural Iowa. Even though it is much smaller than a city such as Denver, problems with crime and delinquency still exist. A summer drought reduces the profits during harvest and leads to much strain throughout the community since agriculture is the main industry. This puts the whole town into a sort of slum, which leads to increased crime and delinquency. For example, low-waged employees steal from employers or neighbors due to their frustration over lack of income. Teenagers often commit more vandalism and petty thefts since their parents are spending more time at the bar to distract themselves from the harsh times and less time at home with family.According to Merton’s st rain theory, anomie is the inability to satisfy natural appetites such as wealth and social status. When people from my community feel anomie, they tend to fall into the â€Å"retreatism† category of the five adaptions. They consider the work they do in the fields or time with their family a lost cause and turn to alcohol for their problems. There are plenty of â€Å"regulars† at the local bar because that is a place where they can escape their problems and gossip about others. This illegitimate coping mechanism might make them feel good for a short time, but it does them no favor over the long run.Another vantage point of crime is through general strain theory, which focuses on negative relationships. Like I mentioned before, a drought is highly detrimental to agriculture and leads to a â€Å"blockage of a positively valued goal†. This might also fall under the anticipated strain category because farmers spend every day of the summer worrying about rain, and a lack of it builds up the strain they feel. This creates an overall low social control over teenagers and it becomes especially bad when parents take out their frustrations over money on their children, as this leads to a  high negative emotionality and low constrain- a.k.a. the perfect recipe for delinquency.The empirical article did a great job of summarizing strain theory. It reasoned that people feel negative emotions when they experience strain, and those negative emotions are likely to lead to illegitimate coping mechanisms. Once an individual begins using illegitimate coping mechanisms, it can be very difficult to change directions and use legitimate strategies. It truly becomes a test of character when people experience strain, and the unfortunate fact-of-the-matter is that there will always be those who chose the wrong path in life.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Internal Environment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internal Environment - Coursework Example The company diversified from being limited to computers to offer unique products like iPhone, iPod etc. In addition, Apple has strong R&D that has enabled create a competitive edge over its competitors, due to constant innovation resulting from the ability of perceiving trends in behaviors, gathering points and development of high quality products (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2012). Further, Apple’s contemporary & unique design of its stores and excellent customer services from skilled and knowledgeable workers is another capability that has enabled Apple maintain a strong presence in the industry. That notwithstanding, Apple has internal weakness such as management changes, high products prices resulting from uncontrolled innovation, which does not consider consumer budgets, incompatibility of its OS with other OS etc. Therefore, to be able to maintain a strong position globally, Apple needs to incorporate consumer ability in terms of prices of products lieu of only focusing on satisfaction, when it formulates it R&D policies, which are the key pillars of innovation at Apple because in the past the company has only focused on developing high quality products which are too expensive for consumers to afford resulting to inability of the company creating customer

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Procurement & Contracts Coursework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Procurement & Contracts Coursework - Assignment Example 57). One of the key attributes of PPP is that it not only facilitates public-private partnerships during the construction phase, but it provides for post-construction services to be managed by a private agency. It has been argued that by taking this approach, the construction design is usually conducted contemplating subsequent services which ultimately lowers the cost of services. Moreover, the nature and duration of the PPP encourages a relationship of trust and facilitates the free flow of information (Hoppe & Schmitz, 2013). Likewise, Private Finance Initiative (PFI), project procurement, a form of PPP, is particularly important when the public budget is constrained by economic difficulties such as the current economic downturn. PFI is a method by which the public sector secures â€Å"value for money† and the private sector â€Å"service provider† assumes the risks associated with the project (Akintoye, Hardcastle, Beck, Chinyio, & Asenova, 2003, p. 461). Given that the global economic downturn has impacted the UK government’s ability to deliver and meet the demands for health services, a PFI-PPP procurement route is the more innovative and least costly option over traditional procurement routes. ... Traditional procurement routes will also be discussed. The Principles of Public-Private Partnership Procurement Definition PPP is defined by the OECD as: †¦an agreement between the government and one or more private partners (which may include the operators and the financers) according to which the private partners deliver the service in such a manner that the service delivery objectives of the government are aligned with the profit objectives of the private partners and where the effectiveness of the alignment depends on a sufficient transfer or risk to the private partners (OECD, 2008, p. 17). PPP therefore takes the involvement of the private sector to more proactive level and does not merely involve a limited contractual arrangement. PPP is best understood when compared to traditional procurement routes. PPP vs Traditional Procurement Routes Instinctively, the concept of PPP invokes ambivalence over the idea of the private sector becoming involved in the construction and man agement of public infrastructure. However, as Grimsey and Mervyn (2007) point out: †¦the old command and control structures of the public sector are breaking down and are being replaced by interrelationships between government and private sector entities (p. 171). Although traditional procurement routes use the private sector, PPPs can be distinguished in a significant way. Traditional procurement routes usually involve private entities constructing roads, hospitals, schools, public buildings and schools and so on. Private companies also manage and maintain the infrastructure. However, with PPPs, rather than use individual agreements, the agreements are combined in

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Critical Evaluation Of Shareholder Wealth Maximisation Research Paper

Critical Evaluation Of Shareholder Wealth Maximisation - Research Paper Example As we enter the 21st century, calling it the postindustrial era or postmodern era, the moral status of the shareholder wealth maximization for the corporate activity has changed. Shareholder wealth maximization is exempt for moral scrutiny, within the disciplines of financial economics and corporate culture. This concept is undeniably protected against the critics by the theory of invisible hand that each individual company that competes in pursuit of shareholder wealth maximization ultimately leads to maximum cumulative economic advantage. "Many managers have considerable discretion to substitute their own interest for that of the stockholders. Stockholder and manager interests can conflict or be independent in significant respects. The extent to which firms are managed in stockholder interests vary considerably" (Findlay & Whitmore, 1974). The term itself appears to entail a narrow worldly focus on shareholders but in reality, it really stands for a focus on the equity market value disclosed in the company's price of the stock. In this respect, the finance manager who is in pursuit of shareholder wealth maximization is in fact only concerned with the things that can have an effect or impact on the company's price or value of stock and therefore, other stakeholders can influence company value. Critical Evaluation of Stakeholder Approach An approach to strategic management was proposed by Edward Freeman in 1984 called the stakeholder approach. The traditional view of corporate strategy, stakeholders were associated with terms such as owners or stockholders of a company. According to Freeman, he described the term stakeholder more broadly and included in his definition that any group or an individual who can influence or is influenced by the company's objectives and goal is a stakeholder of that company. In order to understand the stakeholder model, it should be recognized that this model does not only imply any concern only for the stockholders but also for the stakeholders such as animals or the environment. The concern for finance managers at this point is ineradicably inter-twined with a company's finance concern. A company that is insensitive to the concerns of the stakeholders will not be able to rise financially and therefore would not be able to cater to the needs of the stakeholders.The stakeholder model als o has many drawbacks. The interests of the stakeholders of any company can deviate sharply from one another and managers pursuing the path to keep all the stakeholders happy, who have no sense of compromise, can do more damage than those managers who put the shareholders first in their doctrine and objectives. In modern times, the interests of the stakeholders are inter-twined as aforementioned. To elaborate, employees are shareholders in the company due to the investment in the pension funds.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Color blindness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Color blindness - Essay Example Color blindness is usually caused by genetic problem where men are more prone to this condition. There are many test developed to distinguish those color blind (Turnbull, 2011). One of the ways to test if the person is color blind is to let the person read or recognize a message consisted of dots with colors (Turnbull, 2011). According to studies, there is no cure for this type of condition. This is one thing that is very disheartening to those affected by color blindness. But the case of Virgil who suffered virtual blindness since his early childhood was a story of hope for those who are color blind. Ever since he was young, he had thick cataracts and a speculated retinitis pigmentosa. Nearing to his wedding day, Dr. Hamlin gave the 50 year old Virgil a new hope to see. When his medical history was by reviewed Dr. Hamlin, it was discovered that there was no problem with his retina since he can still see light and dark. It was only his cataracts that were said to have been destructed and the only cure was the simple cataract extraction procedure. Since there was just little surgical risk, Virgil agreed to undergo the procedure. Miraculously, after the surgery, Virgil was able to see and eventually, his vision was restored. The experience of getting the sense of sight back was not as easy as Virgil and his family expected. It was much difficult than a child getting his sight because in Virgil’s case, he was already fed with a lot of information thus there was a radical change in his neurological functioning. Virgil faced a terrible experience when he got his sight back. However, this will just be a temporary situation because after he will be able to grasp and adjust, he will be seeing like the visually gifted people. The gift of sight to Virgil was a miracle and the best gift he could ever receive for his wedding and his life. According to Kozlov (2011), it is

Monday, September 9, 2019

Technology Article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Technology Article - Assignment Example The Public Switched Telephone Network and the Wired Internet are mesh networks that have been present for some time. Wireless net technology allows the building of electronic networks without having to dig up buildings and streets since it does not need any physical wiring. Besides, it is flexible in coverage and can reach areas that are beyond other wireless technologies and networks (Lee, Zheng, Jianliang, Shresttha& Deepesh, 56). The nodes of WMN are made up of mesh clients and mesh routers. The mesh routers, which usually have minimum mobility, provide access to network for both convectional and mesh clients. WMNs’ interaction with other networks can be made possible through the bridging and gateway functions within the mesh routers (Akyildiz, Wang & Wang, 1). The mesh clients, like desk tops and laptops, can either be mobile or stationery and are able to generate a client mesh network with mesh routers and among themselves. Each node works both as a host and as a router that forwards packets for the other nodes that are not within the range of direct wireless transmissions with their destinations. WMNs may face steep competition from other broadband technologies like the xDsL, cable, satellite internet and Broadband Wireless Local Loop but they posses significant advantages that make them a viable alternative according to Jun and Sichitiu (1). Some of the applications and scenarios where this technology appears to be more affordable and versatile than other wireless or wired technologies include in emergency situations, extensive coverage areas and unwired, under-wired or hard-to- wire areas (Lee et al., 56). Examples of extensive coverage area are stadiums, offices and campus networks while hard-to-wire areas include highways, golf courses and conduits. WMNs are anticipated to reduce limitations and improve the performance of wireless local area networks, ad hoc networks, wireless

Digital Marketing Bagel Nash report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Digital Marketing Bagel Nash report - Essay Example Their bakery range provides bagel bars and bagel to both food service as well as retail customers (Bagelnash, n.d.). Bagel Nash is the highest search term on Google. There is limited digital presence as the digital communication is done through the company website only and it does not invest a lot of money or time in digital marketing. However, it has its existence on Facebook , Instagram as well as on twitter but does not have its own app. A complete analysis on the digital presence and strategy of this company will be discussed later in this report. The main purpose of this report is to provide a marketing strategy to achieve the planned digital objectives to benefit Bagel Nash in the field of improving their existing digital presence. A comprehensive micro as well as macro analysis is conducted. The report also encompasses implementation plan to give details of the activities and when those activities are to be executed. The key findings of content analysis are: Focus is on the internal and external factors which have affected the Bagel Nash; they should also pay attention on the human resources for successful packaging and service; a test was conducted in order to witness the experience of customers when they are trying to collect the information from the Bagel Nash website; total number of visits made on each device and on every mobile gadget within the last month has been shown. It indicates that desktop version has received the maximum number of new users as compared to the mobile and tablets. Moreover, it was also found that maximum number of new users is generated from Apple iPhone to view the Bagel Nash website. The facebook page report shows that the target customers are mostly youngsters but it was also noticed that the people of middle age group are also enjoying the fast food offered by Bagel Nash. The main aim of competitor scrutiny is to present a complete

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Economic policy and global environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economic policy and global environment - Essay Example Over the span of the last decade, Singapore’s economy has shown growth at an average rate of 5 percent per annum (Ministry Of Manpower, 2013). Average growth rate of real GDP has been maintained at 8.6 percent between the years 2004 and 2007. Although the growth slackened in 2009 as an influence of the financial that hit almost all countries in the world, the economy rebounded by a growth rate of 14.8 percent in 2010 (CIA, 2013). At present the country’s GDP is $325.1 billion (2012 estimate) (CIA, 2013). This growth has been achieved through increase in productivity in the different sectors in the economy; particularly the financial services sector has depicted significant improvement. Average productivity growth has been nearly 1 percent per annum. The growth rate has matched pace with the productivity growth rate found in other developed nations. The broad range of the citizens of Singapore also enjoyed the benefits of increasing real wage rate. This has in effect led to an increase their standard of living. The government must play an active role in developing a pulsating style of life for the average Singaporean and transform the country into a distinctly recognizable global city and â€Å"a leading cultural capital† (Ministry of Finance, n.d.), containing such good attributes as, openness, integrity and diversity (NPTD, 2013). Growth in productivity allows the country to make it the most excellent place to live and grow, â€Å"a home that provides an outstanding quality of life† (MOF, n.d.) for the people. Utilization of sound financial system: vast public expenditures The remarkable growth in productivity in the economy has been possible through strategic participation of the government sector in the growth process along with the private sector. The government of Singapore has a sound finance system. Unlike those other governments, Singapore does not face the threat of deep slashes in public expenditure or rising tax rates as a n aftermath of financial crisis. Therefore, the Government can make vast expenditures in the field of quality education, research and development, development of infrastructure and communication. A total budget of US $10.6 billion was allocated to the Ministry Of Education Government for FY2012, The major proportion of which has been dedicated to the development of special education schools, poly technique colleges and technical education institutes. This creates a self-directed learner and an active contributor to the state, which enhances productivity (MOF, 2012a). 3.4 percent of the total expenditure mentioned in the budget for the FY2012 has been dedicated to the National Research Fund with the objective of making Singapore a R&D hub and a competitive and innovative economy (MOF, 2012b). In 2011 this expenditure accounted for 2.3 percent of GDP of the country, and in 2010 this proportion was 2.1 percent of the GDP (MOF, 2012b). This shows that the country has focused on improvin g on the productivity via innovation and knowledge-base. A sum of $458.4 million had been allocated for promoting communication technology in FY2012. The strategies were to encourage demand for Infocomm Technology (ICT), create innovative services and establishing policies regulations to sustain new ICT developments (MOF, 2012c). Economic restructuring The Government plays a dominant role in catalysing economic restructur

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Key Success Factors for Supply Chain Management Excellence at the Essay

Key Success Factors for Supply Chain Management Excellence at the Textile sector (or similar) - Essay Example Efficient supply chain management holds great importance in the textile industry as excellence of the industry largely depends upon sourcing of quality raw materials and proper placement of the final goods in the shelves of retailers so that the products can be easily accessible to the targeted audience group (Yip and Hult, 2012). In this era of globalization, establishing strong supply chain has become inevitable for the global as well as national players in order to manage complexities in global sourcing of raw materials and supplying the apparels and other finished goods to the customers all over the world (Lysons and Farrington, 2012). In fact, ensuring effective supply chain management helps the market players in the industry to achieve competitive advantages over other players. The objective of the research paper is to identify the key success factors in supply chain management that leads to create excellence in the textile sectors. For the purpose of analysis, the textile indu stry of the United Kingdom will be examined. The concept of supply chain management has gained considerable attention mainly after globalization and massive trade liberalization. According to Basu and Wright (2010), as a result of rapid expansion of cross border trade, the global industries subsequently understand the importance of supply chain management as it is becoming necessary for them to procure information, capital and raw material and present their manufactured products all over the world. Such global acquisition of materials and distribution of products would not have been possible if very strong supply chain has not been incorporated. Koprulu and Albayrakoglu (2007) have defined supply chain management as the integrated process that facilitates the associated organizations to break all the barriers of resource procurement and obtain the best possible resources for the business. According to them,

Friday, September 6, 2019

A Message Without Words Essay Example for Free

A Message Without Words Essay Select one (1) of the picture ads from the Benetton advertisement images document, located in the online course shell. Assume you are the project lead at Benetton. You and your team are tasked with revitalizing a social conscious campaign to address a world issue Benetton wants to draw attention to. Craft a message for this image and its appeal to the public on behalf of Benetton. The message selected for revitalizing a social conscious campaign to address a world issue that Benetton wants to draw attention to is, adoption and racial tolerance. Benetton wants people to realize that many children go without a real home or parents to love them and never get a real chance at childhood. They may have to live in orphanages, group homes or even worst, be placed from home to home in foster homes, because they never get adopted. The message is that love has no color, it is colorblind. It does not matter, what color the parents or the child are or what part of the world they come from, anyone can give the gift of love, by giving a child a home of their own. Define the goal of this campaign and the targeted audience with supporting rationale. The goal of Benettons communication and advertising is to target the global consumer and create a brand image and lifestyle. In past campaigns, Benetton has sought to create both a global dialogue about specific issues and make this part of its corporate culture. Benetton has used its advertising to champion social causes. Therefore, the goal of this campaign is to make people aware of the need for adoptions, the ease of adoption, bring attention to the beauty of adoption while combining racial tolerance, to promote colorless adoption. We want to shine the light on the colorblindness of adoption and that race, culture or creed should not matter, it is all about giving love. TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience will be global consumers, men and women between the ages of 18 and 44, because according to J. Jones, PhD. with the National Center of Health Statistics, â€Å"†¦ about 2 percent of the adult population aged 18-44, or nearly 2 million persons, [have] adopted children (4). More than twice the percentage of men (2.3) had adopted a child compared with women (1.1). These percentages represent approximately 1.3 million men and 613,000 women. Higher percentages of people over age 30, who are currently or formerly married, who have given birth or fathered a child, or who have ever used infertility services have adopted children compared with people who are aged 18-29, never married, without biological children, or who have never used infertility services†. This audience was chosen because it represents the majority of the American adopting population and also follows the demographic of Benetton shoppers. Develop a model for the advertisement strategy you will use and briefly discuss each stage of the model. â€Å"Most adoption companies use an advertisement strategy that employs marketing techniques like advertising in local or national magazines. They may write articles, place personal ads or use advertorials in magazines† (Adoption Marketing, n.d.). â€Å"An advertorial is an advertisement in the form of an editorial† (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, n.d.). This method is used because when used in printed publications, the advertisement is usually written in the form of an objective article and designed to look like a legitimate and independent news story. This method has gotten much attention for adoptions, but can be very costly. Other methods that are generally used for marketing adoption are running ads in newspapers or in the Yellow Pages. Because most adoption agencies are non-profit, a non-profit business cannot spend a whole lot of money on marketing. Even though some of these methods are inexpensive, these traditional methods are not very effective and really cost adoption agencies more money than the results, they receive. The reason for such poor results if the fact that newspaper and telephone book use are in decline. Personal ads though, are still somewhat effective. For these reasons, Benetton has decided to support this cause and use their bold, controversial ad campaign and social media network tools, to draw attention to such a worthy cause. Benetton also likes to stir controversy and believes that through this campaign they can address that adoption should be colorblind. This is the reason for this particular image to be used. It is strong and quite an attention getter. We want to use marketing techniques to reach single, young men and women, as well as, couples. The marketing campaign will need to work well and be effective enough to reach singles and couples, who want a baby and are unable to have one or want to add to their existing families. Because this campaign is for a nonprofit, instead of selling a product, we will be trying to get people to take action. We must translate the concepts of for-profit marketing for financial reward to nonprofit marketing or â€Å"social marketing†. â€Å"Social marketing is defined as using marketing concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioral goals for social good† (Miller, 2010). This researcher believes that a marketing plan really is a set of questions that once answered reveal the actual integrated marketing communications package. The marketing plan is a made up of topics and then the questions to address each topic. The elements of our marketing plan are as follows: 1. Marketing Goals – in this phase we define what we need to do or want to accomplish. As stated above, through Benetton’s bold ads and their existing social media network, our goal is to bring awareness to adoption and that giving love is colorblind and we will do this by targeting the global shopper. We need to make people aware of the ease of adoption and how adoption makes the world better for all parties involved. We have to examine our existing advertising network, to determine if this message a proper fit for our current methods of advertising. Will this message work in our in the current magazines, billboard network (buildings, Times Square, etc., in transit stations, on trains and buses), in our stores and within our established social media network, already in place; which has been used in our other social cause promotions? Should this campaign be just domestic or global and include our international advertisi ng? 2. Environmental Analysis – the conditions under which we will operate. During this stage, a SWOT analysis will be performed, to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with matching adoption and the Benetton corporate image. Because we are operating within the framework of a retailer promoting their stores and products, as well as, this social cause, we will address each of the following conditions: a) What are the internal and external conditions under which this marketing program must operate? Internally, what is Benetton’s corporate governance policy and how have they handled their promotion of social causes in the past? Because much of Benetton’s social promotion has been so controversial, we will need to investigate this question carefully, because adoption involves children and is not strictly an adult issue. Also, are there any adverse corporate public relations issues of record which could arise, that would relate to the company supporting and endorsing adoption? Since Benetton is a global organization where will this promotion appear, in the United States, only or in international markets? Throughout our global market, what are the legal regulations and cultural differences regarding adoption,? Finally, what resources are available to promote this cause within the organization? Does Benetton already have resources in place to promote adoption or will there be the need for partnerships with others? If partnerships are necessary, which ones should be selected. b) What skills will we need to promote this cause and what ones do we have on staff now? c) What systems do we need in place for this IMC plan to succeed? Do we have the proper exposure and audience in place, to make the social media elements of the promotion successful? 3. Audience and Segmentation – Who must we reach and convince and what are their interests and values. (see Target Audience, p. 3 of this document). 4. Messaging – the specific message that will move the audience to action. The message is simple: Adopt!!! Love Is Colorblind. By showing the hand of a child of one race and the adult hand of another race, we wish to communicate that adopting any child is a great gift of love and race should not matter, racial tolerance. The message’s goal is to show that we can all love and share love with any child and make the world a better place, trough racial tolerance and coexistence. 5. Marketing Tactics – how will we deliver the messages? Because of the demographic of the Benetton shopper and the company’s past advertising for social causes, this researcher believes that that they have in place the distribution channels for this message. The methods selected are photographic ads in their current magazine relationships, open air billboards; and billboards in transit stations, on buses and trains and in their retail outlets. Benetton’s existing social media network channels will also be used as a part of this IMC mix. This will include the company website, an email banner and Twitter. 6. Budget and Staffing – the resources to implement the plan. In this phase, we outline the financial and staffing resources required to implement the plan. Questions that must be answered include: What will be the budget for this promotion? Do we have the skills, time, and talent on staff to produce this promotion? For this IMC program to succeed, do we have adequate knowledge about adoption, in house or do we need the support of partner? 7. Strategy Metrics – how will we measure progress against our goals? In a for-profit IMC program this is an extremely important step, but in promoting a social cause, this step is very different and very difficult to measure. Although we want more people to adopt, this is tangible. Getting people to look at others through colorblind eyes, becoming more loving and caring toward others and to increase racial tolerance, is not. Therefore, promoting this message and stirring up publicity and social consciousness about adoption, race issues and tolerance, are one way to measure the success of this social cause IMC program. Formulate an integrated marketing communications plan that communicates the message to the targeted groups. Within this plan, be sure to address: The technologies used along with expected benefits of each. How the message and goals will be promoted. The process of marketing occurs in five steps: Understanding the market and the company’s marketing strengths and weaknesses, developing a marketing strategy, building a marketing plan, implementing the plan, and monitoring the success of the plan. Now that we have formulated our integrated marketing communications plan, and identified our targeted group, we will address the technologies we intend to implement, as part of this IMC program. The technological methods we will use, will be the company website, an email banner and Twitter. The Internet offers innovative and cost effective methods for adoption marketing. Using the Benetton website, we will be able to focus on reaching more people, telling people what adopting means, to a child and to society as a whole. We will take the mystery out of the adoption process. An excellent method of using the website for social cause internet marketing is having a website blog chronicling true stories of happy events surrounding adoptio n, and the fact that this can be interactive and done in a matter of moments, will give Benetton an opportunity to gather consumer data. A good use of the email banner is pay-per-click advertising, this will lower the overall cost and give interested consumers a way to contact an actual adoption agency. It will give the agencies more traffic to their websites and help increase greater awareness. The use of Twitter to promote this cause, is an excellent choice, because the Benetton customer is young, international and upwardly mobile. Benetton has a reputation for being modern, young and on the edge, so this is a perfect fit. Twitter is mobile and â€Å"gives [the user] the ability to share 140-character thoughts in a split second, [Benetton] can easily share links to PR releases, [adoption success stories, positive race messages] and stories about [their] business†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lacey, 2010). Twitter can also be used to branch out into other social causes, keeping an eye on trending topics and using it to tweet, about more than just Benetton business. â€Å"Twitter gives [Benetton] the ability to take a single thought [or cause] and share it with millions of people. And [their] customer evangelists can spread [their] message, as well as their opinions about [the] company’s greatness to as many people as possible† (Lacy, 2010). Since Benetton has such a reputation for their involvement in social causes, this element of the IMC, is a perfect fit for the company and the cause. In fact, all three of these technologies fit perfectly with the Benetton consumer demographic and the company’s corporate image and culture. They will be effective, not only to bring attention to this campaign on adoption, but will work well with future social cause promotions. These internet marketing methods will even include search engine optimization, viral marketing and article marketing as well. Decipher and select at least two (2) types of individuals, groups, companies, etc., that you reach out to gain support for the campaign. Be sure to discuss the expected benefits that accompany each external partner you identified. Benetton wants to enhance its reputation and drive sales; and the nonprofit cause wishes to generate awareness of their mission. In this promotion we are drawing awareness to the Benetton brand, adoption and race tolerance. The first group that we will reach out to partner with and gain support for the campaign; will be adoption agencies and orphanages. Benetton has the brand name and the reputation that will get the public’s attention. They want to use and share this with the cause to promote adoption. This a great combination but, the company lacks the knowledge on adoption regulations, laws and the process. Adoption agencies and orphanages have this expertise. An adoption agency or orphanage must be well-versed in laws and regulations regarding adoption, because this industry is so strongly regulated. Each country and even within a country, each state may have a different set of rules, regulation and laws to follow. Adoption agencies and orphanages are also heavily licensed. Because of the stringent regulating and the involvement of children it is necessary to have a partner with this knowledge, to be successful in promoting this cause. For this reason, these organizations are obvious choices to be major partners in this ad campaign. To support the â€Å"colorblindness†/racial tolerance piece of this campaign, Benetton will partner with The Southern Poverty Law Center. This partner was selected because this organization â€Å"is a nonprofit civil rights organization dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry, and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society†(Who We Are, 2012). The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded by civil rights lawyers Morris Dees and Joseph Levin Jr. and is internationally known for tracking and exposing the activities of hate groups. This partnership was selected because of the organization’s international reputation and their dedication to fighting race bigotry. Also, their attention to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society, one of which is children. They were also selected because they have a specific program aimed toward children of the world, which distributes, free of charge, documentary films, books, lesson plans and other mat erials that promote racial tolerance and respect. Once this IMC plan is implemented with these partners, Benetton will not only have a successful campaign on adoption and racial tolerance but, this IMC foundation can be used for future social cause promotions. References Adoption Marketing | Advertising Strategies for Agencies Childrens Homes. (n.d.). Search Engine Positioning | Advertising, Marketing Optimization. Retrieved December 9, 2012, from Advertorial Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (n.d.). Dictionary and Thesaurus Merriam-Webster Online. Retrieved December 10, 2012, from Jones J. (2009). Who adopts? Characteristics of women and men who have adopted children. NCHS data brief, no 12. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Lacy, K. (2011). Twitter marketing. (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub.. Miller, K. (2010). The nonprofit marketing guide: high-impact, low-cost ways to build support for your good cause. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Who We Are | Southern Poverty Law Center. (n.d.). Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from